Source code for pgmpy.estimators.CITests

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

from pgmpy.independencies import IndependenceAssertion
from pgmpy.global_vars import logger

[docs]def independence_match(X, Y, Z, independencies, **kwargs): """ Checks if `X \u27C2 Y | Z` is in `independencies`. This method is implemented to have an uniform API when the independencies are provided instead of data. Parameters ---------- X: str The first variable for testing the independence condition X \u27C2 Y | Z Y: str The second variable for testing the independence condition X \u27C2 Y | Z Z: list/array-like A list of conditional variable for testing the condition X \u27C2 Y | Z data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset in which to test the indepenedence condition. Returns ------- p-value: float (Fixed to 0 since it is always confident) """ return IndependenceAssertion(X, Y, Z) in independencies
[docs]def chi_square(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): r""" Chi-square conditional independence test. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent from Y given Zs. This is done by comparing the observed frequencies with the expected frequencies if X,Y were conditionally independent, using a chisquare deviance statistic. The expected frequencies given independence are :math:`P(X,Y,Zs) = P(X|Zs)*P(Y|Zs)*P(Zs)`. The latter term can be computed as :math:`P(X,Zs)*P(Y,Zs)/P(Zs). Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list, array-like A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="pearson", **kwargs )
[docs]def g_sq(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ G squared test for conditional independence. Also commonly known as G-test, likelihood-ratio or maximum likelihood statistical significance test. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> g_sq(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> g_sq(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> g_sq(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="log-likelihood", **kwargs )
[docs]def log_likelihood(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ Log likelihood ratio test for conditional independence. Also commonly known as G-test, G-squared test or maximum likelihood statistical significance test. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> log_likelihood(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> log_likelihood(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> log_likelihood(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="log-likelihood", **kwargs )
[docs]def freeman_tuckey(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ Freeman Tuckey test for conditional independence [1]. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Read, Campbell B. "Freeman—Tukey chi-squared goodness-of-fit statistics." Statistics & probability letters 18.4 (1993): 271-278. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> freeman_tuckey(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> freeman_tuckey(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> freeman_tuckey(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="freeman-tukey", **kwargs )
[docs]def modified_log_likelihood(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ Modified log likelihood ratio test for conditional independence. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> modified_log_likelihood(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> modified_log_likelihood(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> modified_log_likelihood(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="mod-log-likelihood", **kwargs, )
[docs]def neyman(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ Neyman's test for conditional independence[1]. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> neyman(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> neyman(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> neyman(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="neyman", **kwargs )
[docs]def cressie_read(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): """ Cressie Read statistic for conditional independence[1]. Tests the null hypothesis that X is independent of Y given Zs. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list (array-like) A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Cressie, Noel, and Timothy RC Read. "Multinomial goodness‐of‐fit tests." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 46.3 (1984): 440-464. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> cressie_read(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> cressie_read(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> cressie_read(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ return power_divergence( X=X, Y=Y, Z=Z, data=data, boolean=boolean, lambda_="cressie-read", **kwargs )
[docs]def power_divergence(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, lambda_="cressie-read", **kwargs): """ Computes the Cressie-Read power divergence statistic [1]. The null hypothesis for the test is X is independent of Y given Z. A lot of the frequency comparision based statistics (eg. chi-square, G-test etc) belong to power divergence family, and are special cases of this test. Parameters ---------- X: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set Y: int, string, hashable object A variable name contained in the data set, different from X Z: list, array-like A list of variable names contained in the data set, different from X and Y. This is the separating set that (potentially) makes X and Y independent. Default: [] data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset on which to test the independence condition. lambda_: float or string The lambda parameter for the power_divergence statistic. Some values of lambda_ results in other well known tests: "pearson" 1 "Chi-squared test" "log-likelihood" 0 "G-test or log-likelihood" "freeman-tuckey" -1/2 "Freeman-Tuckey Statistic" "mod-log-likelihood" -1 "Modified Log-likelihood" "neyman" -2 "Neyman's statistic" "cressie-read" 2/3 "The value recommended in the paper[1]" boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the chi2 and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test Results: tuple or bool If boolean = False, Returns a tuple (chi, p_value, dof). `chi` is the chi-squared test statistic. The `p_value` for the test, i.e. the probability of observing the computed chi-square statistic (or an even higher value), given the null hypothesis that X \u27C2 Y | Zs is True. If boolean = True, returns True if the p_value of the test is greater than `significance_level` else returns False. References ---------- [1] Cressie, Noel, and Timothy RC Read. "Multinomial goodness‐of‐fit tests." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 46.3 (1984): 440-464. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(50000, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')) >>> data['E'] = data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='C', Z=[], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) True >>> chi_square(X='A', Y='B', Z=['D', 'E'], data=data, boolean=True, significance_level=0.05) False """ # Step 1: Check if the arguments are valid and type conversions. if hasattr(Z, "__iter__"): Z = list(Z) else: raise (f"Z must be an iterable. Got object type: {type(Z)}") if (X in Z) or (Y in Z): raise ValueError( f"The variables X or Y can't be in Z. Found {X if X in Z else Y} in Z." ) # Step 2: Do a simple contingency test if there are no conditional variables. if len(Z) == 0: chi, p_value, dof, expected = stats.chi2_contingency( data.groupby([X, Y]).size().unstack(Y, fill_value=0), lambda_=lambda_ ) # Step 3: If there are conditionals variables, iterate over unique states and do # the contingency test. else: chi = 0 dof = 0 for z_state, df in data.groupby(Z): try: c, _, d, _ = stats.chi2_contingency( df.groupby([X, Y]).size().unstack(Y, fill_value=0), lambda_=lambda_ ) chi += c dof += d except ValueError: # If one of the values is 0 in the 2x2 table. if isinstance(z_state, str): f"Skipping the test {X} \u27C2 {Y} | {Z[0]}={z_state}. Not enough samples" ) else: z_str = ", ".join( [f"{var}={state}" for var, state in zip(Z, z_state)] ) f"Skipping the test {X} \u27C2 {Y} | {z_str}. Not enough samples" ) p_value = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(chi, df=dof) # Step 4: Return the values if boolean: return p_value >= kwargs["significance_level"] else: return chi, p_value, dof
[docs]def pearsonr(X, Y, Z, data, boolean=True, **kwargs): r""" Computes Pearson correlation coefficient and p-value for testing non-correlation. Should be used only on continuous data. In case when :math:`Z != \null` uses linear regression and computes pearson coefficient on residuals. Parameters ---------- X: str The first variable for testing the independence condition X \u27C2 Y | Z Y: str The second variable for testing the independence condition X \u27C2 Y | Z Z: list/array-like A list of conditional variable for testing the condition X \u27C2 Y | Z data: pandas.DataFrame The dataset in which to test the indepenedence condition. boolean: bool If boolean=True, an additional argument `significance_level` must be specified. If p_value of the test is greater than equal to `significance_level`, returns True. Otherwise returns False. If boolean=False, returns the pearson correlation coefficient and p_value of the test. Returns ------- CI Test results: tuple or bool If boolean=True, returns True if p-value >= significance_level, else False. If boolean=False, returns a tuple of (Pearson's correlation Coefficient, p-value) References ---------- [1] [2] """ # Step 1: Test if the inputs are correct if not hasattr(Z, "__iter__"): raise ValueError(f"Variable Z. Expected type: iterable. Got type: {type(Z)}") else: Z = list(Z) if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Variable data. Expected type: pandas.DataFrame. Got type: {type(data)}" ) # Step 2: If Z is empty compute a non-conditional test. if len(Z) == 0: coef, p_value = stats.pearsonr(data.loc[:, X], data.loc[:, Y]) # Step 3: If Z is non-empty, use linear regression to compute residuals and test independence on it. else: X_coef = np.linalg.lstsq(data.loc[:, Z], data.loc[:, X], rcond=None)[0] Y_coef = np.linalg.lstsq(data.loc[:, Z], data.loc[:, Y], rcond=None)[0] residual_X = data.loc[:, X] - data.loc[:, Z].dot(X_coef) residual_Y = data.loc[:, Y] - data.loc[:, Z].dot(Y_coef) coef, p_value = stats.pearsonr(residual_X, residual_Y) if boolean: if p_value >= kwargs["significance_level"]: return True else: return False else: return coef, p_value