Source code for pgmpy.base.DAG

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import itertools

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from pgmpy.base import UndirectedGraph
from pgmpy.global_vars import logger
from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies

[docs]class DAG(nx.DiGraph): """ Base class for all Directed Graphical Models. Each node in the graph can represent either a random variable, `Factor`, or a cluster of random variables. Edges in the graph represent the dependencies between these. Parameters ---------- data: input graph Data to initialize graph. If data=None (default) an empty graph is created. The data can be an edge list or any Networkx graph object. Examples -------- Create an empty DAG with no nodes and no edges >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() G can be grown in several ways: **Nodes:** Add one node at a time: >>> G.add_node(node='a') Add the nodes from any container (a list, set or tuple or the nodes from another graph). >>> G.add_nodes_from(nodes=['a', 'b']) **Edges:** G can also be grown by adding edges. Add one edge, >>> G.add_edge(u='a', v='b') a list of edges, >>> G.add_edges_from(ebunch=[('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')]) If some edges connect nodes not yet in the model, the nodes are added automatically. There are no errors when adding nodes or edges that already exist. **Shortcuts:** Many common graph features allow python syntax for speed reporting. >>> 'a' in G # check if node in graph True >>> len(G) # number of nodes in graph 3 """ def __init__(self, ebunch=None, latents=set()): super(DAG, self).__init__(ebunch) self.latents = set(latents) cycles = [] try: cycles = list(nx.find_cycle(self)) except nx.NetworkXNoCycle: pass else: out_str = "Cycles are not allowed in a DAG." out_str += "\nEdges indicating the path taken for a loop: " out_str += "".join([f"({u},{v}) " for (u, v) in cycles]) raise ValueError(out_str)
[docs] def add_node(self, node, weight=None, latent=False): """ Adds a single node to the Graph. Parameters ---------- node: str, int, or any hashable python object. The node to add to the graph. weight: int, float The weight of the node. latent: boolean (default: False) Specifies whether the variable is latent or not. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() >>> G.add_node(node='A') >>> sorted(G.nodes()) ['A'] Adding a node with some weight. >>> G.add_node(node='B', weight=0.3) The weight of these nodes can be accessed as: >>> G.nodes['B'] {'weight': 0.3} >>> G.nodes['A'] {'weight': None} """ # Check for networkx 2.0 syntax if isinstance(node, tuple) and len(node) == 2 and isinstance(node[1], dict): node, attrs = node if attrs.get("weight", None) is not None: attrs["weight"] = weight else: attrs = {"weight": weight} if latent: self.latents.add(node) super(DAG, self).add_node(node, weight=weight)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes, weights=None, latent=False): """ Add multiple nodes to the Graph. **The behviour of adding weights is different than in networkx. Parameters ---------- nodes: iterable container A container of nodes (list, dict, set, or any hashable python object). weights: list, tuple (default=None) A container of weights (int, float). The weight value at index i is associated with the variable at index i. latent: list, tuple (default=False) A container of boolean. The value at index i tells whether the node at index i is latent or not. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() >>> G.add_nodes_from(nodes=['A', 'B', 'C']) >>> G.nodes() NodeView(('A', 'B', 'C')) Adding nodes with weights: >>> G.add_nodes_from(nodes=['D', 'E'], weights=[0.3, 0.6]) >>> G.nodes['D'] {'weight': 0.3} >>> G.nodes['E'] {'weight': 0.6} >>> G.nodes['A'] {'weight': None} """ nodes = list(nodes) if isinstance(latent, bool): latent = [latent] * len(nodes) if weights: if len(nodes) != len(weights): raise ValueError( "The number of elements in nodes and weights" "should be equal." ) for index in range(len(nodes)): self.add_node( node=nodes[index], weight=weights[index], latent=latent[index] ) else: for index in range(len(nodes)): self.add_node(node=nodes[index], latent=latent[index])
[docs] def add_edge(self, u, v, weight=None): """ Add an edge between u and v. The nodes u and v will be automatically added if they are not already in the graph. Parameters ---------- u, v : nodes Nodes can be any hashable Python object. weight: int, float (default=None) The weight of the edge Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() >>> G.add_nodes_from(nodes=['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles']) >>> G.add_edge(u='Alice', v='Bob') >>> G.nodes() NodeView(('Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles')) >>> G.edges() OutEdgeView([('Alice', 'Bob')]) When the node is not already present in the graph: >>> G.add_edge(u='Alice', v='Ankur') >>> G.nodes() NodeView(('Alice', 'Ankur', 'Bob', 'Charles')) >>> G.edges() OutEdgeView([('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Alice', 'Ankur')]) Adding edges with weight: >>> G.add_edge('Ankur', 'Maria', weight=0.1) >>> G.edge['Ankur']['Maria'] {'weight': 0.1} """ super(DAG, self).add_edge(u, v, weight=weight)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, ebunch, weights=None): """ Add all the edges in ebunch. If nodes referred in the ebunch are not already present, they will be automatically added. Node names can be any hashable python object. **The behavior of adding weights is different than networkx. Parameters ---------- ebunch : container of edges Each edge given in the container will be added to the graph. The edges must be given as 2-tuples (u, v). weights: list, tuple (default=None) A container of weights (int, float). The weight value at index i is associated with the edge at index i. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() >>> G.add_nodes_from(nodes=['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles']) >>> G.add_edges_from(ebunch=[('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Charles')]) >>> G.nodes() NodeView(('Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles')) >>> G.edges() OutEdgeView([('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Charles')]) When the node is not already in the model: >>> G.add_edges_from(ebunch=[('Alice', 'Ankur')]) >>> G.nodes() NodeView(('Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles', 'Ankur')) >>> G.edges() OutEdgeView([('Alice', 'Bob'), ('Bob', 'Charles'), ('Alice', 'Ankur')]) Adding edges with weights: >>> G.add_edges_from([('Ankur', 'Maria'), ('Maria', 'Mason')], ... weights=[0.3, 0.5]) >>> G.edge['Ankur']['Maria'] {'weight': 0.3} >>> G.edge['Maria']['Mason'] {'weight': 0.5} """ ebunch = list(ebunch) if weights: if len(ebunch) != len(weights): raise ValueError( "The number of elements in ebunch and weights" "should be equal" ) for index in range(len(ebunch)): self.add_edge(ebunch[index][0], ebunch[index][1], weight=weights[index]) else: for edge in ebunch: self.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
[docs] def get_parents(self, node): """ Returns a list of parents of node. Throws an error if the node is not present in the graph. Parameters ---------- node: string, int or any hashable python object. The node whose parents would be returned. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG(ebunch=[('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade')]) >>> G.get_parents(node='grade') ['diff', 'intel'] """ return list(self.predecessors(node))
[docs] def moralize(self): """ Removes all the immoralities in the DAG and creates a moral graph (UndirectedGraph). A v-structure X->Z<-Y is an immorality if there is no directed edge between X and Y. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG(ebunch=[('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade')]) >>> moral_graph = G.moralize() >>> moral_graph.edges() EdgeView([('intel', 'grade'), ('intel', 'diff'), ('grade', 'diff')]) """ moral_graph = UndirectedGraph() moral_graph.add_nodes_from(self.nodes()) moral_graph.add_edges_from(self.to_undirected().edges()) for node in self.nodes(): moral_graph.add_edges_from( itertools.combinations(self.get_parents(node), 2) ) return moral_graph
[docs] def get_leaves(self): """ Returns a list of leaves of the graph. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> graph = DAG([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D')]) >>> graph.get_leaves() ['C', 'D'] """ return [node for node, out_degree in self.out_degree_iter() if out_degree == 0]
[docs] def out_degree_iter(self, nbunch=None, weight=None): if nx.__version__.startswith("1"): return super(DAG, self).out_degree_iter(nbunch, weight) else: return iter(self.out_degree(nbunch, weight))
[docs] def in_degree_iter(self, nbunch=None, weight=None): if nx.__version__.startswith("1"): return super(DAG, self).in_degree_iter(nbunch, weight) else: return iter(self.in_degree(nbunch, weight))
[docs] def get_roots(self): """ Returns a list of roots of the graph. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> graph = DAG([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('E', 'B')]) >>> graph.get_roots() ['A', 'E'] """ return [ node for node, in_degree in dict(self.in_degree()).items() if in_degree == 0 ]
[docs] def get_children(self, node): """ Returns a list of children of node. Throws an error if the node is not present in the graph. Parameters ---------- node: string, int or any hashable python object. The node whose children would be returned. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> g = DAG(ebunch=[('A', 'B'), ('C', 'B'), ('B', 'D'), ('B', 'E'), ('B', 'F'), ('E', 'G')]) >>> g.get_children(node='B') ['D', 'E', 'F'] """ return list(self.successors(node))
[docs] def get_independencies(self, latex=False, include_latents=False): """ Computes independencies in the DAG, by checking d-seperation. Parameters ---------- latex: boolean If latex=True then latex string of the independence assertion would be created. include_latents: boolean If True, includes latent variables in the independencies. Otherwise, only generates independencies on observed variables. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> chain = DAG([('X', 'Y'), ('Y', 'Z')]) >>> chain.get_independencies() (X \u27C2 Z | Y) (Z \u27C2 X | Y) """ nodes = set(self.nodes()) if not include_latents: nodes = set(self.nodes()) - self.latents independencies = Independencies() for start in nodes: if not include_latents: rest = set(self.nodes()) - {start} - self.latents else: rest = set(self.nodes()) - {start} for r in range(len(rest)): for observed in itertools.combinations(rest, r): d_seperated_variables = ( rest - set(observed) - set( self.active_trail_nodes( start, observed=observed, include_latents=include_latents, )[start] ) ) if d_seperated_variables: independencies.add_assertions( [start, d_seperated_variables, observed] ) independencies.reduce() if not latex: return independencies else: return independencies.latex_string()
[docs] def local_independencies(self, variables): """ Returns an instance of Independencies containing the local independencies of each of the variables. Parameters ---------- variables: str or array like variables whose local independencies are to be found. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> student = DAG() >>> student.add_edges_from([('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade'), >>> ('grade', 'letter'), ('intel', 'SAT')]) >>> ind = student.local_independencies('grade') >>> ind (grade \u27C2 SAT | diff, intel) """ independencies = Independencies() for variable in ( variables if isinstance(variables, (list, tuple)) else [variables] ): non_descendents = ( set(self.nodes()) - {variable} - set(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(self, variable)) ) parents = set(self.get_parents(variable)) if non_descendents - parents: independencies.add_assertions( [variable, non_descendents - parents, parents] ) return independencies
[docs] def is_iequivalent(self, model): """ Checks whether the given model is I-equivalent Two graphs G1 and G2 are said to be I-equivalent if they have same skeleton and have same set of immoralities. Parameters ---------- model : A DAG object, for which you want to check I-equivalence Returns -------- I-equivalence: boolean True if both are I-equivalent, False otherwise Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> G = DAG() >>> G.add_edges_from([('V', 'W'), ('W', 'X'), ... ('X', 'Y'), ('Z', 'Y')]) >>> G1 = DAG() >>> G1.add_edges_from([('W', 'V'), ('X', 'W'), ... ('X', 'Y'), ('Z', 'Y')]) >>> G.is_iequivalent(G1) True """ if not isinstance(model, DAG): raise TypeError( f"Model must be an instance of DAG. Got type: {type(model)}" ) if (self.to_undirected().edges() == model.to_undirected().edges()) and ( self.get_immoralities() == model.get_immoralities() ): return True return False
[docs] def get_immoralities(self): """ Finds all the immoralities in the model A v-structure X -> Z <- Y is an immorality if there is no direct edge between X and Y . Returns ------- Immoralities: set A set of all the immoralities in the model Examples --------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> student = DAG() >>> student.add_edges_from([('diff', 'grade'), ('intel', 'grade'), ... ('intel', 'SAT'), ('grade', 'letter')]) >>> student.get_immoralities() {('diff', 'intel')} """ immoralities = set() for node in self.nodes(): for parents in itertools.combinations(self.predecessors(node), 2): if not self.has_edge(parents[0], parents[1]) and not self.has_edge( parents[1], parents[0] ): immoralities.add(tuple(sorted(parents))) return immoralities
[docs] def is_dconnected(self, start, end, observed=None): """ Returns True if there is an active trail (i.e. d-connection) between `start` and `end` node given that `observed` is observed. Parameters ---------- start, end : int, str, any hashable python object. The nodes in the DAG between which to check the d-connection/active trail. observed : list, array-like (optional) If given the active trail would be computed assuming these nodes to be observed. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> student = DAG() >>> student.add_nodes_from(['diff', 'intel', 'grades', 'letter', 'sat']) >>> student.add_edges_from([('diff', 'grades'), ('intel', 'grades'), ('grades', 'letter'), ... ('intel', 'sat')]) >>> student.is_dconnected('diff', 'intel') False >>> student.is_dconnected('grades', 'sat') True """ if end in self.active_trail_nodes(start, observed)[start]: return True else: return False
[docs] def minimal_dseparator(self, start, end): """ Finds the minimal d-separating set for `start` and `end`. Parameters ---------- start: node The first node. end: node The second node. Examples -------- >>> dag = DAG([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C')]) >>> dag.minimal_dseparator(start='A', end='C') {'B'} References ---------- [1] Algorithm 4, Page 10: Tian, Jin, Azaria Paz, and Judea Pearl. Finding minimal d-separators. Computer Science Department, University of California, 1998. """ if (end in self.neighbors(start)) or (start in self.neighbors(end)): raise ValueError( "No possible separators because start and end are adjacent" ) an_graph = self.get_ancestral_graph([start, end]) separator = set( itertools.chain(self.predecessors(start), self.predecessors(end)) ) # If any of the parents were latents, take the latent's parent while len(separator.intersection(self.latents)) != 0: separator_copy = separator.copy() for u in separator: if u in self.latents: separator_copy.remove(u) separator_copy.update(set(self.predecessors(u))) separator = separator_copy # Remove the start and end nodes in case it reaches there while removing latents. separator.difference_update({start, end}) # If the initial set is not able to d-separate, no d-separator is possible. if an_graph.is_dconnected(start, end, observed=separator): return None # Go through the separator set, remove one element and check if it remains # a dseparating set. minimal_separator = separator.copy() for u in separator: if not an_graph.is_dconnected(start, end, observed=minimal_separator - {u}): minimal_separator.remove(u) return minimal_separator
[docs] def get_markov_blanket(self, node): """ Returns a markov blanket for a random variable. In the case of Bayesian Networks, the markov blanket is the set of node's parents, its children and its children's other parents. Returns ------- Markov Blanket: list List of nodes in the markov blanket of `node`. Parameters ---------- node: string, int or any hashable python object. The node whose markov blanket would be returned. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> from pgmpy.factors.discrete import TabularCPD >>> G = DAG([('x', 'y'), ('z', 'y'), ('y', 'w'), ('y', 'v'), ('u', 'w'), ('s', 'v'), ('w', 't'), ('w', 'm'), ('v', 'n'), ('v', 'q')]) >>> G.get_markov_blanket('y') ['s', 'w', 'x', 'u', 'z', 'v'] """ children = self.get_children(node) parents = self.get_parents(node) blanket_nodes = children + parents for child_node in children: blanket_nodes.extend(self.get_parents(child_node)) blanket_nodes = set(blanket_nodes) blanket_nodes.discard(node) return list(blanket_nodes)
[docs] def active_trail_nodes(self, variables, observed=None, include_latents=False): """ Returns a dictionary with the given variables as keys and all the nodes reachable from that respective variable as values. Parameters ---------- variables: str or array like variables whose active trails are to be found. observed : List of nodes (optional) If given the active trails would be computed assuming these nodes to be observed. include_latents: boolean (default: False) Whether to include the latent variables in the returned active trail nodes. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> student = DAG() >>> student.add_nodes_from(['diff', 'intel', 'grades']) >>> student.add_edges_from([('diff', 'grades'), ('intel', 'grades')]) >>> student.active_trail_nodes('diff') {'diff': {'diff', 'grades'}} >>> student.active_trail_nodes(['diff', 'intel'], observed='grades') {'diff': {'diff', 'intel'}, 'intel': {'diff', 'intel'}} References ---------- Details of the algorithm can be found in 'Probabilistic Graphical Model Principles and Techniques' - Koller and Friedman Page 75 Algorithm 3.1 """ if observed: if isinstance(observed, set): observed = list(observed) observed_list = ( observed if isinstance(observed, (list, tuple)) else [observed] ) else: observed_list = [] ancestors_list = self._get_ancestors_of(observed_list) # Direction of flow of information # up -> from parent to child # down -> from child to parent active_trails = {} for start in variables if isinstance(variables, list) else [variables]: visit_list = set() visit_list.add((start, "up")) traversed_list = set() active_nodes = set() while visit_list: node, direction = visit_list.pop() if (node, direction) not in traversed_list: if node not in observed_list: active_nodes.add(node) traversed_list.add((node, direction)) if direction == "up" and node not in observed_list: for parent in self.predecessors(node): visit_list.add((parent, "up")) for child in self.successors(node): visit_list.add((child, "down")) elif direction == "down": if node not in observed_list: for child in self.successors(node): visit_list.add((child, "down")) if node in ancestors_list: for parent in self.predecessors(node): visit_list.add((parent, "up")) if include_latents: active_trails[start] = active_nodes else: active_trails[start] = active_nodes - self.latents return active_trails
def _get_ancestors_of(self, nodes): """ Returns a dictionary of all ancestors of all the observed nodes including the node itself. Parameters ---------- nodes: string, list-type name of all the observed nodes Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> model = DAG([('D', 'G'), ('I', 'G'), ('G', 'L'), ... ('I', 'L')]) >>> model._get_ancestors_of('G') {'D', 'G', 'I'} >>> model._get_ancestors_of(['G', 'I']) {'D', 'G', 'I'} """ if not isinstance(nodes, (list, tuple)): nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: if node not in self.nodes(): raise ValueError(f"Node {node} not in not in graph") ancestors_list = set() nodes_list = set(nodes) while nodes_list: node = nodes_list.pop() if node not in ancestors_list: nodes_list.update(self.predecessors(node)) ancestors_list.add(node) return ancestors_list # TODO: Commented out till the method is implemented. # def to_pdag(self): # """ # Returns the PDAG (the equivalence class of DAG; also known as CPDAG) of the DAG. # # Returns # ------- # Partially oriented DAG: pgmpy.base.PDAG # An instance of pgmpy.base.PDAG. # # Examples # -------- # # """ # pass
[docs] def do(self, nodes, inplace=False): """ Applies the do operator to the graph and returns a new DAG with the transformed graph. The do-operator, do(X = x) has the effect of removing all edges from the parents of X and setting X to the given value x. Parameters ---------- nodes : list, array-like The names of the nodes to apply the do-operator for. inplace: boolean (default: False) If inplace=True, makes the changes to the current object, otherwise returns a new instance. Returns ------- Modified DAG: pgmpy.base.DAG A new instance of DAG modified by the do-operator Examples -------- Initialize a DAG >>> graph = DAG() >>> graph.add_edges_from([('X', 'A'), ... ('A', 'Y'), ... ('A', 'B')]) >>> # Applying the do-operator will return a new DAG with the desired structure. >>> graph_do_A ='A') >>> # Which we can verify is missing the edges we would expect. >>> graph_do_A.edges OutEdgeView([('A', 'B'), ('A', 'Y')]) References ---------- Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, Judea Pearl (2000). p.70. """ dag = self if inplace else self.copy() if isinstance(nodes, (str, int)): nodes = [nodes] else: nodes = list(nodes) if not set(nodes).issubset(set(self.nodes())): raise ValueError( f"Nodes not found in the model: {set(nodes) - set(self.nodes)}" ) for node in nodes: parents = list(dag.predecessors(node)) for parent in parents: dag.remove_edge(parent, node) return dag
[docs] def get_ancestral_graph(self, nodes): """ Returns the ancestral graph of the given `nodes`. The ancestral graph only contains the nodes which are ancestors of atleast one of the variables in node. Parameters ---------- node: iterable List of nodes whose ancestral graph needs to be computed. Returns ------- Ancestral Graph: pgmpy.base.DAG Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> dag = DAG([('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('D', 'A'), ('D', 'B')]) >>> anc_dag = dag.get_ancestral_graph(nodes=['A', 'B']) >>> anc_dag.edges() OutEdgeView([('D', 'A'), ('D', 'B')]) """ return self.subgraph(nodes=self._get_ancestors_of(nodes=nodes))
[docs] def to_daft( self, node_pos="circular", latex=True, pgm_params={}, edge_params={}, node_params={}, ): """ Returns a daft ( object which can be rendered for publication quality plots. The returned object's render method can be called to see the plots. Parameters ---------- node_pos: str or dict (default: circular) If str: Must be one of the following: circular, kamada_kawai, planar, random, shell, sprint, spectral, spiral. Please refer: for details on these layouts. If dict should be of the form {node: (x coordinate, y coordinate)} describing the x and y coordinate of each node. If no argument is provided uses circular layout. latex: boolean Whether to use latex for rendering the node names. pgm_params: dict (optional) Any additional parameters that need to be passed to `daft.PGM` initializer. Should be of the form: {param_name: param_value} edge_params: dict (optional) Any additional edge parameters that need to be passed to `daft.add_edge` method. Should be of the form: {(u1, v1): {param_name: param_value}, (u2, v2): {...} } node_params: dict (optional) Any additional node parameters that need to be passed to `daft.add_node` method. Should be of the form: {node1: {param_name: param_value}, node2: {...} } Returns ------- Daft object: daft.PGM object Daft object for plotting the DAG. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> dag = DAG([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('d', 'c')]) >>> dag.to_daft(node_pos={'a': (0, 0), 'b': (1, 0), 'c': (2, 0), 'd': (1, 1)}) <daft.PGM at 0x7fc756e936d0> >>> dag.to_daft(node_pos="circular") <daft.PGM at 0x7f9bb48c5eb0> >>> dag.to_daft(node_pos="circular", pgm_params={'observed_style': 'inner'}) <daft.PGM at 0x7f9bb48b0bb0> >>> dag.to_daft(node_pos="circular", ... edge_params={('a', 'b'): {'label': 2}}, ... node_params={'a': {'shape': 'rectangle'}}) <daft.PGM at 0x7f9bb48b0bb0> """ try: from daft import PGM except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Package daft required. Please visit: for installation instructions." ) if isinstance(node_pos, str): supported_layouts = { "circular": nx.circular_layout, "kamada_kawai": nx.kamada_kawai_layout, "planar": nx.planar_layout, "random": nx.random_layout, "shell": nx.shell_layout, "spring": nx.spring_layout, "spectral": nx.spectral_layout, "spiral": nx.spiral_layout, } if node_pos not in supported_layouts.keys(): raise ValueError( "Unknown node_pos argument. Please refer docstring for accepted values" ) else: node_pos = supported_layouts[node_pos](self) elif isinstance(node_pos, dict): for node in self.nodes(): if node not in node_pos.keys(): raise ValueError(f"No position specified for {node}.") else: raise ValueError( "Argument node_pos not valid. Please refer to the docstring." ) daft_pgm = PGM(**pgm_params) for node in self.nodes(): try: extra_params = node_params[node] except KeyError: extra_params = dict() if latex: daft_pgm.add_node( node, rf"${node}$", node_pos[node][0], node_pos[node][1], observed=True, **extra_params, ) else: daft_pgm.add_node( node, f"{node}", node_pos[node][0], node_pos[node][1], observed=True, **extra_params, ) for u, v in self.edges(): try: extra_params = edge_params[(u, v)] except KeyError: extra_params = dict() daft_pgm.add_edge(u, v, **extra_params) return daft_pgm
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random(n_nodes=5, edge_prob=0.5, latents=False): """ Returns a randomly generated DAG with `n_nodes` number of nodes with edge probability being `edge_prob`. Parameters ---------- n_nodes: int The number of nodes in the randomly generated DAG. edge_prob: float The probability of edge between any two nodes in the topologically sorted DAG. latents: bool (default: False) If True, includes latent variables in the generated DAG. Returns ------- Random DAG: pgmpy.base.DAG The randomly generated DAG. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.base import DAG >>> random_dag = DAG.get_random(n_nodes=10, edge_prob=0.3) >>> random_dag.nodes() NodeView((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) >>> random_dag.edges() OutEdgeView([(0, 6), (1, 6), (1, 7), (7, 9), (2, 5), (2, 7), (2, 8), (5, 9), (3, 7)]) """ # Step 1: Generate a matrix of 0 and 1. Prob of choosing 1 = edge_prob adj_mat = np.random.choice( [0, 1], size=(n_nodes, n_nodes), p=[1 - edge_prob, edge_prob] ) # Step 2: Use the upper triangular part of the matrix as adjacency. nodes = list(range(n_nodes)) edges = nx.convert_matrix.from_numpy_array( np.triu(adj_mat, k=1), create_using=nx.DiGraph ).edges() dag = DAG(edges) dag.add_nodes_from(nodes) if latents: dag.latents = set( np.random.choice( dag.nodes(), np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(dag.nodes())) ) ) return dag
[docs] def to_graphviz(self): """ Retuns a pygraphviz object for the DAG. pygraphviz is useful for visualizing the network structure. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.utils import get_example_model >>> model = get_example_model('alarm') >>> model.to_graphviz() <AGraph <Swig Object of type 'Agraph_t *' at 0x7fdea4cde040>> >>> model.draw('model.png', prog='neato') """ return nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(self)
[docs]class PDAG(nx.DiGraph): """ Class for representing PDAGs (also known as CPDAG). PDAGs are the equivalence classes of DAGs and contain both directed and undirected edges. Note: In this class, undirected edges are represented using two edges in both direction i.e. an undirected edge between X - Y is represented using X -> Y and X <- Y. """ def __init__(self, directed_ebunch=[], undirected_ebunch=[], latents=[]): """ Initializes a PDAG class. Parameters ---------- directed_ebunch: list, array-like of 2-tuples List of directed edges in the PDAG. undirected_ebunch: list, array-like of 2-tuples List of undirected edges in the PDAG. latents: list, array-like List of nodes which are latent variables. Returns ------- An instance of the PDAG object. Examples -------- """ super(PDAG, self).__init__( directed_ebunch + undirected_ebunch + [(Y, X) for (X, Y) in undirected_ebunch] ) self.latents = set(latents) self.directed_edges = set(directed_ebunch) self.undirected_edges = set(undirected_ebunch) # TODO: Fix the cycle issue # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # try: # # Filter out undirected edges as they also form a cycle in # # themself when represented using directed edges. # cycles = filter(lambda t: len(t) > 2, nx.simple_cycles(self)) # if cycles: # out_str = "Cycles are not allowed in a PDAG. " # out_str += "The following path forms a loop: " # out_str += "".join(["({u},{v}) ".format(u=u, v=v) for (u, v) in cycles]) # raise ValueError(out_str) # except nx.NetworkXNoCycle: # pass
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the object instance. Returns ------- Copy of PDAG: pgmpy.dag.PDAG Returns a copy of self. """ return PDAG( directed_ebunch=list(self.directed_edges.copy()), undirected_ebunch=list(self.undirected_edges.copy()), latents=self.latents, )
[docs] def to_dag(self, required_edges=[]): """ Returns one possible DAG which is represented using the PDAG. Parameters ---------- required_edges: list, array-like of 2-tuples The list of edges that should be included in the DAG. Returns ------- Returns an instance of DAG. Examples -------- """ # Add required edges if it doesn't form a new v-structure or an opposite edge # is already present in the network. dag = DAG() # Add all the nodes and the directed edges dag.add_nodes_from(self.nodes()) dag.add_edges_from(self.directed_edges) dag.latents = self.latents pdag = self.copy() while pdag.number_of_nodes() > 0: # find node with (1) no directed outgoing edges and # (2) the set of undirected neighbors is either empty or # undirected neighbors + parents of X are a clique found = False for X in pdag.nodes(): directed_outgoing_edges = set(pdag.successors(X)) - set( pdag.predecessors(X) ) undirected_neighbors = set(pdag.successors(X)) & set( pdag.predecessors(X) ) neighbors_are_clique = all( ( pdag.has_edge(Y, Z) for Z in pdag.predecessors(X) for Y in undirected_neighbors if not Y == Z ) ) if not directed_outgoing_edges and ( not undirected_neighbors or neighbors_are_clique ): found = True # add all edges of X as outgoing edges to dag for Y in pdag.predecessors(X): dag.add_edge(Y, X) pdag.remove_node(X) break if not found: logger.warning( "PDAG has no faithful extension (= no oriented DAG with the " + "same v-structures as PDAG). Remaining undirected PDAG edges " + "oriented arbitrarily." ) for X, Y in pdag.edges(): if not dag.has_edge(Y, X): try: dag.add_edge(X, Y) except ValueError: pass break return dag
[docs] def to_graphviz(self): """ Retuns a pygraphviz object for the DAG. pygraphviz is useful for visualizing the network structure. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.utils import get_example_model >>> model = get_example_model('alarm') >>> model.to_graphviz() <AGraph <Swig Object of type 'Agraph_t *' at 0x7fdea4cde040>> """ return nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(self)