Source code for pgmpy.estimators.BayesianEstimator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numbers
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

from pgmpy.base import DAG
from pgmpy.estimators import ParameterEstimator
from pgmpy.factors.discrete import TabularCPD
from pgmpy.global_vars import logger
from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork

[docs] class BayesianEstimator(ParameterEstimator): """ Class used to compute parameters for a model using Bayesian Parameter Estimation. See `MaximumLikelihoodEstimator` for constructor parameters. """ def __init__(self, model, data, **kwargs): if not isinstance(model, (DAG, BayesianNetwork)): raise NotImplementedError( "Bayesian Parameter Estimation is only implemented for DAG or BayesianNetwork" ) if isinstance(model, (DAG, BayesianNetwork)): if len(model.latents) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Bayesian Parameter Estimation works only on models with all observed variables. Found latent variables: {model.latents}" ) if isinstance(model, DAG): model = BayesianNetwork(model.edges()) super(BayesianEstimator, self).__init__(model, data, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_parameters( self, prior_type="BDeu", equivalent_sample_size=5, pseudo_counts=None, n_jobs=1, weighted=False, ): """ Method to estimate the model parameters (CPDs). Parameters ---------- prior_type: 'dirichlet', 'BDeu', or 'K2' string indicting which type of prior to use for the model parameters. - If 'prior_type' is 'dirichlet', the following must be provided: 'pseudo_counts' = dirichlet hyperparameters; a single number or a dict containing, for each variable, a 2-D array of the shape (node_card, product of parents_card) with a "virtual" count for each variable state in the CPD, that is added to the state counts. (lexicographic ordering of states assumed) - If 'prior_type' is 'BDeu', then an 'equivalent_sample_size' must be specified instead of 'pseudo_counts'. This is equivalent to 'prior_type=dirichlet' and using uniform 'pseudo_counts' of `equivalent_sample_size/(node_cardinality*` for each node. 'equivalent_sample_size' can either be a numerical value or a dict that specifies the size for each variable separately. - A prior_type of 'K2' is a shorthand for 'dirichlet' + setting every pseudo_count to 1, regardless of the cardinality of the variable. equivalent_sample_size: int Refer `prior_type` for more details. pseudo_counts: int (default: None) Refer `prior_type` for more details. n_jobs: int (default: 1) Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default: 1. Using n_jobs > 1 for small models might be slower. weighted: bool If weighted=True, the data must contain a `_weight` column specifying the weight of each datapoint (row). If False, assigns an equal weight to each datapoint. Returns ------- parameters: list List of TabularCPDs, one for each variable of the model Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork >>> from pgmpy.estimators import BayesianEstimator >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 4)), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']) >>> model = BayesianNetwork([('A', 'B'), ('C', 'B'), ('C', 'D')]) >>> estimator = BayesianEstimator(model, values) >>> estimator.get_parameters(prior_type='BDeu', equivalent_sample_size=5) [<TabularCPD representing P(C:2) at 0x7f7b534251d0>, <TabularCPD representing P(B:2 | C:2, A:2) at 0x7f7b4dfd4da0>, <TabularCPD representing P(A:2) at 0x7f7b4dfd4fd0>, <TabularCPD representing P(D:2 | C:2) at 0x7f7b4df822b0>] """ def _get_node_param(node): _equivalent_sample_size = ( equivalent_sample_size[node] if isinstance(equivalent_sample_size, dict) else equivalent_sample_size ) if isinstance(pseudo_counts, numbers.Real): _pseudo_counts = pseudo_counts else: _pseudo_counts = pseudo_counts[node] if pseudo_counts else None cpd = self.estimate_cpd( node, prior_type=prior_type, equivalent_sample_size=_equivalent_sample_size, pseudo_counts=_pseudo_counts, weighted=weighted, ) return cpd parameters = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_get_node_param)(node) for node in self.model.nodes() ) # TODO: A hacky solution to return correct value for the chosen backend. Ref #1675 parameters = [p.copy() for p in parameters] return parameters
[docs] def estimate_cpd( self, node, prior_type="BDeu", pseudo_counts=[], equivalent_sample_size=5, weighted=False, ): """ Method to estimate the CPD for a given variable. Parameters ---------- node: int, string (any hashable python object) The name of the variable for which the CPD is to be estimated. prior_type: 'dirichlet', 'BDeu', 'K2', string indicting which type of prior to use for the model parameters. - If 'prior_type' is 'dirichlet', the following must be provided: 'pseudo_counts' = dirichlet hyperparameters; a single number or 2-D array of shape (node_card, product of parents_card) with a "virtual" count for each variable state in the CPD. The virtual counts are added to the actual state counts found in the data. (if a list is provided, a lexicographic ordering of states is assumed) - If 'prior_type' is 'BDeu', then an 'equivalent_sample_size' must be specified instead of 'pseudo_counts'. This is equivalent to 'prior_type=dirichlet' and using uniform 'pseudo_counts' of `equivalent_sample_size/(node_cardinality*`. - A prior_type of 'K2' is a shorthand for 'dirichlet' + setting every pseudo_count to 1, regardless of the cardinality of the variable. weighted: bool If weighted=True, the data must contain a `_weight` column specifying the weight of each datapoint (row). If False, assigns an equal weight to each datapoint. Returns ------- CPD: TabularCPD The estimated CPD for `node`. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork >>> from pgmpy.estimators import BayesianEstimator >>> data = pd.DataFrame(data={'A': [0, 0, 1], 'B': [0, 1, 0], 'C': [1, 1, 0]}) >>> model = BayesianNetwork([('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C')]) >>> estimator = BayesianEstimator(model, data) >>> cpd_C = estimator.estimate_cpd('C', prior_type="dirichlet", ... pseudo_counts=[[1, 1, 1, 1], ... [2, 2, 2, 2]]) >>> print(cpd_C) ╒══════╤══════╤══════╤══════╤════════════════════╕ │ A │ A(0) │ A(0) │ A(1) │ A(1) │ ├──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼────────────────────┤ │ B │ B(0) │ B(1) │ B(0) │ B(1) │ ├──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼────────────────────┤ │ C(0) │ 0.25 │ 0.25 │ 0.5 │ 0.3333333333333333 │ ├──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼────────────────────┤ │ C(1) │ 0.75 │ 0.75 │ 0.5 │ 0.6666666666666666 │ ╘══════╧══════╧══════╧══════╧════════════════════╛ """ node_cardinality = len(self.state_names[node]) parents = sorted(self.model.get_parents(node)) parents_cardinalities = [len(self.state_names[parent]) for parent in parents] cpd_shape = (node_cardinality,, dtype=int)) prior_type = prior_type.lower() # Throw a warning if pseudo_count is specified without prior_type=dirichlet # cast to np.array first to use the array.size attribute, which returns 0 also for [[],[]] # (where len([[],[]]) evaluates to 2) if ( pseudo_counts is not None and np.array(pseudo_counts).size > 0 and (prior_type != "dirichlet") ): logger.warning( f"pseudo count specified with {prior_type} prior. It will be ignored, use dirichlet prior for specifying pseudo_counts" ) if prior_type == "k2": pseudo_counts = np.ones(cpd_shape, dtype=int) elif prior_type == "bdeu": alpha = float(equivalent_sample_size) / ( node_cardinality * ) pseudo_counts = np.ones(cpd_shape, dtype=float) * alpha elif prior_type == "dirichlet": if isinstance(pseudo_counts, numbers.Real): pseudo_counts = np.ones(cpd_shape, dtype=int) * pseudo_counts else: pseudo_counts = np.array(pseudo_counts) if pseudo_counts.shape != cpd_shape: raise ValueError( f"The shape of pseudo_counts for the node: {node} must be of shape: {str(cpd_shape)}" ) else: raise ValueError("'prior_type' not specified") state_counts = self.state_counts(node, weighted=weighted) bayesian_counts = state_counts + pseudo_counts cpd = TabularCPD( node, node_cardinality, np.array(bayesian_counts), evidence=parents, evidence_card=parents_cardinalities, state_names={var: self.state_names[var] for var in chain([node], parents)}, ) cpd.normalize() return cpd