Source code for pgmpy.estimators.HillClimbSearch

#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import deque
from itertools import permutations

import networkx as nx
from import trange

from pgmpy import config
from pgmpy.base import DAG
from pgmpy.estimators import (

[docs] class HillClimbSearch(StructureEstimator): """ Class for heuristic hill climb searches for DAGs, to learn network structure from data. `estimate` attempts to find a model with optimal score. Parameters ---------- data: pandas DataFrame object dataframe object where each column represents one variable. (If some values in the data are missing the data cells should be set to `numpy.nan`. Note that pandas converts each column containing `numpy.nan`s to dtype `float`.) state_names: dict (optional) A dict indicating, for each variable, the discrete set of states (or values) that the variable can take. If unspecified, the observed values in the data set are taken to be the only possible states. use_caching: boolean If True, uses caching of score for faster computation. Note: Caching only works for scoring methods which are decomposable. Can give wrong results in case of custom scoring methods. References ---------- Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009 Section 18.4.3 (page 811ff) """ def __init__(self, data, use_cache=True, **kwargs): self.use_cache = use_cache super(HillClimbSearch, self).__init__(data, **kwargs) def _legal_operations( self, model, score, structure_score, tabu_list, max_indegree, forbidden_edges, required_edges, ): """Generates a list of legal (= not in tabu_list) graph modifications for a given model, together with their score changes. Possible graph modifications: (1) add, (2) remove, or (3) flip a single edge. For details on scoring see Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Section (page 818). If a number `max_indegree` is provided, only modifications that keep the number of parents for each node below `max_indegree` are considered. A list of edges can optionally be passed as `black_list` or `white_list` to exclude those edges or to limit the search. """ tabu_list = set(tabu_list) # Step 1: Get all legal operations for adding edges. potential_new_edges = ( set(permutations(self.variables, 2)) - set(model.edges()) - set([(Y, X) for (X, Y) in model.edges()]) ) for X, Y in potential_new_edges: # Check if adding (X, Y) will create a cycle. if not nx.has_path(model, Y, X): operation = ("+", (X, Y)) if (operation not in tabu_list) and ((X, Y) not in forbidden_edges): old_parents = model.get_parents(Y) new_parents = old_parents + [X] if len(new_parents) <= max_indegree: score_delta = score(Y, new_parents) - score(Y, old_parents) score_delta += structure_score("+") yield (operation, score_delta) # Step 2: Get all legal operations for removing edges for X, Y in model.edges(): operation = ("-", (X, Y)) if (operation not in tabu_list) and ((X, Y) not in required_edges): old_parents = model.get_parents(Y) new_parents = [var for var in old_parents if var != X] score_delta = score(Y, new_parents) - score(Y, old_parents) score_delta += structure_score("-") yield (operation, score_delta) # Step 3: Get all legal operations for flipping edges for X, Y in model.edges(): # Check if flipping creates any cycles if not any( map(lambda path: len(path) > 2, nx.all_simple_paths(model, X, Y)) ): operation = ("flip", (X, Y)) if ( ((operation not in tabu_list) and ("flip", (Y, X)) not in tabu_list) and ((X, Y) not in required_edges) and ((Y, X) not in forbidden_edges) ): old_X_parents = model.get_parents(X) old_Y_parents = model.get_parents(Y) new_X_parents = old_X_parents + [Y] new_Y_parents = [var for var in old_Y_parents if var != X] if len(new_X_parents) <= max_indegree: score_delta = ( score(X, new_X_parents) + score(Y, new_Y_parents) - score(X, old_X_parents) - score(Y, old_Y_parents) ) score_delta += structure_score("flip") yield (operation, score_delta)
[docs] def estimate( self, scoring_method="bic-d", start_dag=None, tabu_length=100, max_indegree=None, expert_knowledge=None, epsilon=1e-4, max_iter=1e6, show_progress=True, ): """ Performs local hill climb search to estimates the `DAG` structure that has optimal score, according to the scoring method supplied. Starts at model `start_dag` and proceeds by step-by-step network modifications until a local maximum is reached. Only estimates network structure, no parametrization. Parameters ---------- scoring_method: str or StructureScore instance The score to be optimized during structure estimation. Supported structure scores: k2, bdeu, bds, bic-d, aic-d, ll-g, aic-g, bic-g, ll-cg, aic-cg, bic-cg. Also accepts a custom score, but it should be an instance of `StructureScore`. start_dag: DAG instance The starting point for the local search. By default, a completely disconnected network is used. tabu_length: int If provided, the last `tabu_length` graph modifications cannot be reversed during the search procedure. This serves to enforce a wider exploration of the search space. Default value: 100. max_indegree: int or None If provided and unequal None, the procedure only searches among models where all nodes have at most `max_indegree` parents. Defaults to None. expert_knowledge: pgmpy.estimators.ExpertKnowledge instance (default: None) Expert knowledge to be used with the algorithm. Expert knowledge allows specification of required and forbidden edges, as well as temporal order of nodes. epsilon: float (default: 1e-4) Defines the exit condition. If the improvement in score is less than `epsilon`, the learned model is returned. max_iter: int (default: 1e6) The maximum number of iterations allowed. Returns the learned model when the number of iterations is greater than `max_iter`. Returns ------- Estimated model: pgmpy.base.DAG A `DAG` at a (local) score maximum. Examples -------- >>> # Simulate some sample data from a known model to learn the model structure from >>> from pgmpy.utils import get_example_model >>> model = get_example_model('alarm') >>> df = model.simulate(int(1e3)) >>> # Learn the model structure using HillClimbSearch algorithm from `df` >>> from pgmpy.estimators import HillClimbSearch >>> est = HillClimbSearch(data) >>> dag = est.estimate(scoring_method='bic-d') >>> len(dag.nodes()) 37 >>> len(dag.edges()) 45 """ # Step 1: Initial checks and setup for arguments # Step 1.1: Check scoring_method score, score_c = get_scoring_method(scoring_method,, self.use_cache) score_fn = score_c.local_score # Step 1.2: Check the start_dag if start_dag is None: start_dag = DAG() start_dag.add_nodes_from(self.variables) elif not isinstance(start_dag, DAG) or not set(start_dag.nodes()) == set( self.variables ): raise ValueError( "'start_dag' should be a DAG with the same variables as the data set, or 'None'." ) # Step 1.3: Check if expert knowledge was specified if expert_knowledge is None: expert_knowledge = ExpertKnowledge() # Step 1.4: Check if required edges cause a cycle start_dag.add_edges_from(expert_knowledge.required_edges) if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(start_dag): raise ValueError( "required_edges create a cycle in start_dag. Please modify either required_edges or start_dag." ) expert_knowledge._orient_temporal_forbidden_edges(start_dag, only_edges=False) start_dag.remove_edges_from(expert_knowledge.forbidden_edges) # Step 1.5: Initialize max_indegree, tabu_list, and progress bar if max_indegree is None: max_indegree = float("inf") tabu_list = deque(maxlen=tabu_length) current_model = start_dag if show_progress and config.SHOW_PROGRESS: iteration = trange(int(max_iter)) else: iteration = range(int(max_iter)) # Step 2: For each iteration, find the best scoring operation and # do that to the current model. If no legal operation is # possible, sets best_operation=None. for _ in iteration: best_operation, best_score_delta = max( self._legal_operations( current_model, score_fn, score.structure_prior_ratio, tabu_list, max_indegree, expert_knowledge.forbidden_edges, expert_knowledge.required_edges, ), key=lambda t: t[1], default=(None, None), ) if best_operation is None or best_score_delta < epsilon: break elif best_operation[0] == "+": current_model.add_edge(*best_operation[1]) tabu_list.append(("-", best_operation[1])) elif best_operation[0] == "-": current_model.remove_edge(*best_operation[1]) tabu_list.append(("+", best_operation[1])) elif best_operation[0] == "flip": X, Y = best_operation[1] current_model.remove_edge(X, Y) current_model.add_edge(Y, X) tabu_list.append(best_operation) # Step 3: Return if no more improvements or maximum iterations reached. return current_model