Source code for pgmpy.estimators.TreeSearch

#!/usr/bin/env python

from itertools import combinations

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.metrics import (
from import tqdm

from pgmpy import config
from pgmpy.base import DAG
from pgmpy.estimators import StructureEstimator

[docs] class TreeSearch(StructureEstimator): """ Search class for learning tree related graph structure. The algorithms supported are Chow-Liu and Tree-augmented naive bayes (TAN). Chow-Liu constructs the maximum-weight spanning tree with mutual information score as edge weights. TAN is an extension of Naive Bayes classifier to allow a tree structure over the independent variables to account for interaction. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame object dataframe object where each column represents one variable. root_node: str, int, or any hashable python object, default is None. The root node of the tree structure. If None then root node is auto-picked as the node with the highest sum of edge weights. n_jobs: int (default: -1) Number of jobs to run in parallel. `-1` means use all processors. References ---------- [1] Chow, C. K.; Liu, C.N. (1968), "Approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-14 (3): 462–467 [2] Friedman N, Geiger D and Goldszmidt M (1997). Bayesian network classifiers. Machine Learning 29: 131–163 """ def __init__(self, data, root_node=None, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs): if root_node is not None and root_node not in data.columns: raise ValueError(f"Root node: {root_node} not found in data columns.") = data self.root_node = root_node self.n_jobs = n_jobs super(TreeSearch, self).__init__(data, **kwargs)
[docs] def estimate( self, estimator_type="chow-liu", class_node=None, edge_weights_fn="mutual_info", show_progress=True, ): """ Estimate the `DAG` structure that fits best to the given data set without parametrization. Parameters ---------- estimator_type: str (chow-liu | tan) The algorithm to use for estimating the DAG. class_node: string, int or any hashable python object. (optional) Needed only if estimator_type = 'tan'. In the estimated DAG, there would be edges from class_node to each of the feature variables. edge_weights_fn: str or function (default: mutual info) Method to use for computing edge weights. By default, Mutual Info Score is used. show_progress: boolean If True, shows a progress bar for the running algorithm. Returns ------- Estimated Model: pgmpy.base.DAG The estimated model structure. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> import networkx as nx >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pgmpy.estimators import TreeSearch >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) >>> est = TreeSearch(values, root_node='B') >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='chow-liu') >>> nx.draw_circular(model, with_labels=True, arrowsize=20, arrowstyle='fancy', ... alpha=0.3) >>> >>> est = TreeSearch(values) >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='chow-liu') >>> nx.draw_circular(model, with_labels=True, arrowsize=20, arrowstyle='fancy', ... alpha=0.3) >>> >>> est = TreeSearch(values, root_node='B') >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='tan', class_node='A') >>> nx.draw_circular(model, with_labels=True, arrowsize=20, arrowstyle='fancy', ... alpha=0.3) >>> >>> est = TreeSearch(values) >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='tan') >>> nx.draw_circular(model, with_labels=True, arrowsize=20, arrowstyle='fancy', ... alpha=0.3) >>> """ # Step 1. Argument checks # Step 1.1: Only chow-liu and tan allowed as estimator type. if estimator_type not in {"chow-liu", "tan"}: raise ValueError( f"Invalid estimator_type. Expected either chow-liu or tan. Got: {estimator_type}" ) # Step 1.2: If estimator_type=tan, class_node must be specified if estimator_type == "tan" and class_node is None: raise ValueError( f"class_node argument must be specified for estimator_type='tan'" ) if estimator_type == "tan" and class_node not in raise ValueError(f"Class node: {class_node} not found in data columns") # Step 1.3: If root_node isn't specified, get the node with the highest score. weights_computed = False if self.root_node is None: weights = TreeSearch._get_weights(, edge_weights_fn, self.n_jobs, show_progress ) weights_computed = True sum_weights = weights.sum(axis=0) maxw_idx = np.argsort(sum_weights)[::-1] self.root_node =[maxw_idx[0]] # Step 2. Compute all edge weights. if estimator_type == "chow-liu": if not weights_computed: weights = TreeSearch._get_weights(, edge_weights_fn, self.n_jobs, show_progress ) else: weights = TreeSearch._get_conditional_weights(, class_node, edge_weights_fn, self.n_jobs, show_progress ) # Step 3: If estimator_type = "chow-liu", estimate the DAG and return. if estimator_type == "chow-liu": return TreeSearch._create_tree_and_dag( weights,, self.root_node ) # Step 4: If estimator_type = "tan": elif estimator_type == "tan": # Step 4.1: Checks root_node != class_node if self.root_node == class_node: raise ValueError( f"Root node: {self.root_node} and class node: {class_node} are identical" ) # Step 4.2: Construct chow-liu DAG on {data.columns - class_node} class_node_idx = np.where( == class_node)[0][0] weights = np.delete(weights, class_node_idx, axis=0) weights = np.delete(weights, class_node_idx, axis=1) reduced_columns = np.delete(, class_node_idx) D = TreeSearch._create_tree_and_dag( weights, reduced_columns, self.root_node ) # Step 4.3: Add edges from class_node to all other nodes. D.add_edges_from([(class_node, node) for node in reduced_columns]) return D
@staticmethod def _get_weights( data, edge_weights_fn="mutual_info", n_jobs=-1, show_progress=True ): """ Helper function to Chow-Liu algorithm for estimating tree structure from given data. Refer to pgmpy.estimators.TreeSearch for more details. This function returns the edge weights matrix. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame object dataframe object where each column represents one variable. edge_weights_fn: str or function (default: mutual_info) Method to use for computing edge weights. Options are: 1. 'mutual_info': Mutual Information Score. 2. 'adjusted_mutual_info': Adjusted Mutual Information Score. 3. 'normalized_mutual_info': Normalized Mutual Information Score. 4. function(array[n_samples,], array[n_samples,]): Custom function. n_jobs: int (default: -1) Number of jobs to run in parallel. `-1` means use all processors. show_progress: boolean If True, shows a progress bar for the running algorithm. Returns ------- weights: numpy 2D array, shape = (n_columns, n_columns) symmetric matrix where each element represents an edge weight. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pgmpy.estimators import TreeSearch >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) >>> est = TreeSearch(values, root_node='B') >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='chow-liu') """ # Step 0: Check for edge weight computation method if edge_weights_fn == "mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = mutual_info_score elif edge_weights_fn == "adjusted_mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = adjusted_mutual_info_score elif edge_weights_fn == "normalized_mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = normalized_mutual_info_score elif not callable(edge_weights_fn): raise ValueError( f"edge_weights_fn should either be 'mutual_info', 'adjusted_mutual_info', " f"'normalized_mutual_info'or a function of form fun(array, array). Got: f{edge_weights_fn}" ) # Step 1: Compute edge weights for a fully connected graph. n_vars = len(data.columns) pbar = combinations(data.columns, 2) if show_progress and config.SHOW_PROGRESS: pbar = tqdm(pbar, total=(n_vars * (n_vars - 1) / 2), desc="Building tree") vals = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(edge_weights_fn)(data.loc[:, u], data.loc[:, v]) for u, v in pbar ) weights = np.zeros((n_vars, n_vars)) indices = np.triu_indices(n_vars, k=1) weights[indices] = vals weights.T[indices] = vals return weights @staticmethod def _get_conditional_weights( data, class_node, edge_weights_fn="mutual_info", n_jobs=-1, show_progress=True ): """ Helper function to TAN (Tree Augmented Naive Bayes) algorithm for estimating tree structure from given data. Refer to pgmpy.estimators.TreeSearch for more details. This function returns the edge weights matrix. Parameters ---------- data: pandas.DataFrame object dataframe object where each column represents one variable. class_node: str The class node for TAN. The edge weight is computed as I(X, Y | class_node). edge_weights_fn: str or function (default: mutual_info) Method to use for computing edge weights. Options are: 1. 'mutual_info': Mutual Information Score. 2. 'adjusted_mutual_info': Adjusted Mutual Information Score. 3. 'normalized_mutual_info': Normalized Mutual Information Score. 4. function(array[n_samples,], array[n_samples,]): Custom function. n_jobs: int (default: -1) Number of jobs to run in parallel. `-1` means use all processors. show_progress: boolean If True, shows a progress bar for the running algorithm. Returns ------- weights: numpy 2D array, shape = (n_columns, n_columns) symmetric matrix where each element represents an edge weight. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pgmpy.estimators import TreeSearch >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) >>> est = TreeSearch(values, root_node='B') >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='tan') """ # Step 0: Check for edge weight computation method if edge_weights_fn == "mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = mutual_info_score elif edge_weights_fn == "adjusted_mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = adjusted_mutual_info_score elif edge_weights_fn == "normalized_mutual_info": edge_weights_fn = normalized_mutual_info_score elif not callable(edge_weights_fn): raise ValueError( f"edge_weights_fn should either be 'mutual_info', 'adjusted_mutual_info', " f"'normalized_mutual_info'or a function of form fun(array, array). Got: f{edge_weights_fn}" ) # Step 1: Compute edge weights for a fully connected graph. n_vars = len(data.columns) pbar = combinations(data.columns, 2) if show_progress and config.SHOW_PROGRESS: pbar = tqdm(pbar, total=(n_vars * (n_vars - 1) / 2), desc="Building tree") def _conditional_edge_weights_fn(u, v): """ Computes the conditional edge weight of variable index u and v conditioned on class_node """ cond_marginal = data.loc[:, class_node].value_counts() / data.shape[0] cond_edge_weight = 0 for index, marg_prob in cond_marginal.items(): df_cond_subset = data[data.loc[:, class_node] == index] cond_edge_weight += marg_prob * edge_weights_fn( df_cond_subset.loc[:, u], df_cond_subset.loc[:, v] ) return cond_edge_weight vals = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_conditional_edge_weights_fn)(u, v) for u, v in pbar ) weights = np.zeros((n_vars, n_vars)) indices = np.triu_indices(n_vars, k=1) weights[indices] = vals weights.T[indices] = vals return weights @staticmethod def _create_tree_and_dag(weights, columns, root_node): """ Helper function to Chow-Liu algorithm for estimating tree structure from given data. Refer to pgmpy.estimators.TreeSearch for more details. This function returns the DAG based on the edge weights matrix. Parameters ---------- weights: numpy 2D array, shape = (n_columns, n_columns) symmetric matrix where each element represents an edge weight. columns: list or array Names of the columns (& rows) of the weights matrix. root_node: str, int, or any hashable python object. The root node of the tree structure. Returns ------- model: pgmpy.base.DAG The estimated model structure. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pgmpy.estimators import TreeSearch >>> values = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(1000, 5)), ... columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) >>> est = TreeSearch(values, root_node='B') >>> model = est.estimate(estimator_type='chow-liu') """ # Step 2: Compute the maximum spanning tree using the weights. T = nx.maximum_spanning_tree( nx.from_pandas_adjacency( pd.DataFrame(weights, index=columns, columns=columns), create_using=nx.Graph, ) ) # Step 3: Create DAG by directing edges away from root node and return D = nx.bfs_tree(T, root_node) return DAG(D)