import copy
import itertools as it
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
from pgmpy.inference import Inference
from pgmpy.models import MarkovNetwork
class Mplp(Inference):
Class for performing approximate inference using Max-Product Linear Programming method.
We derive message passing updates that result in monotone decrease of the dual of the
MAP LP Relaxation.
model: MarkovNetwork for which inference is to be performed.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pgmpy.models import MarkovNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.inference import Mplp
>>> from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
>>> student = MarkovNetwork()
>>> student.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('E', 'F')])
>>> factor_a = DiscreteFactor(['A'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.54577, 1.8323]))
>>> factor_b = DiscreteFactor(['B'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.93894, 1.065]))
>>> factor_c = DiscreteFactor(['C'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.89205, 1.121]))
>>> factor_d = DiscreteFactor(['D'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.56292, 1.7765]))
>>> factor_e = DiscreteFactor(['E'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.47117, 2.1224]))
>>> factor_f = DiscreteFactor(['F'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([1.5093, 0.66257]))
>>> factor_a_b = DiscreteFactor(['A', 'B'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([1.3207, 0.75717, 0.75717, 1.3207]))
>>> factor_b_c = DiscreteFactor(['B', 'C'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([0.00024189, 4134.2, 4134.2, 0.00024189]))
>>> factor_c_d = DiscreteFactor(['C', 'D'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([0.0043227, 231.34, 231.34, 0.0043227]))
>>> factor_d_e = DiscreteFactor(['E', 'F'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([31.228, 0.032023, 0.032023, 31.228]))
>>> student.add_factors(factor_a, factor_b, factor_c, factor_d, factor_e, factor_f, factor_a_b,
... factor_b_c, factor_c_d, factor_d_e)
>>> mplp = Mplp(student)
def __init__(self, model):
if not isinstance(model, MarkovNetwork):
raise TypeError("Only MarkovNetwork is supported")
super(Mplp, self).__init__(model)
# S = \{c \cap c^{'} : c, c^{'} \in C, c \cap c^{'} \neq \emptyset\}
self.intersection_set_variables = set()
# We generate the Intersections of all the pairwise edges taken one at a time to form S
for edge_pair in it.combinations(model.edges(), 2):
frozenset(edge_pair[0]) & frozenset(edge_pair[1])
# The corresponding optimization problem = \min_{\delta}{dual_lp(\delta)} where:
# dual_lp(\delta) = \sum_{i \in V}{max_{x_i}(Objective[nodes])} + \sum_{f /in F}{max_{x_f}(Objective[factors])
# Objective[nodes] = \theta_i(x_i) + \sum_{f \mid i \in f}{\delta_{fi}(x_i)}
# Objective[factors] = \theta_f(x_f) - \sum_{i \in f}{\delta_{fi}(x_i)}
# In a way Objective stores the corresponding optimization problem for all the nodes and the factors.
# Form Objective and cluster_set in the form of a dictionary.
self.objective = {}
self.cluster_set = {}
for factor in model.get_factors():
scope = frozenset(factor.scope())
self.objective[scope] = factor
# For every factor consisting of more that a single node, we initialize a cluster.
if len(scope) > 1:
self.cluster_set[scope] = self.Cluster(
self.intersection_set_variables, factor
# dual_lp(\delta) is the dual linear program
self.dual_lp = sum(
[np.amax(self.objective[obj].values) for obj in self.objective]
# Best integral value of the primal objective is stored here
self.best_int_objective = 0
# Assignment of the nodes that results in the "maximum" integral value of the primal objective
self.best_assignment = {}
# This sets the minimum width between the dual objective decrements. Default value = 0.0002. This can be
# changed in the map_query() method.
self.dual_threshold = 0.0002
# This sets the threshold for the integrality gap below which we say that the solution is satisfactory.
# Default value = 0.0002. This can be changed in the map_query() method.
self.integrality_gap_threshold = 0.0002
class Cluster(object):
Inner class for representing a cluster.
A cluster is a subset of variables.
set_of_variables: tuple
This is the set of variables that form the cluster.
intersection_set_variables: set containing frozensets.
collection of intersection of all pairs of cluster variables. For eg: \{\{C_1 \cap C_2\}, \{C_2 \cap C_3\}, \{C_3 \cap C_1\} \} for clusters C_1, C_2 & C_3.
cluster_potential: DiscreteFactor
Each cluster has an initial probability distribution provided beforehand.
def __init__(self, intersection_set_variables, cluster_potential):
Initialization of the current cluster
# The variables with which the cluster is made of.
self.cluster_variables = frozenset(cluster_potential.scope())
# The cluster potentials must be specified before only.
self.cluster_potential = copy.deepcopy(cluster_potential)
# Generate intersection sets for this cluster; S(c)
self.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c = [
for intersect in intersection_set_variables
if intersect.intersection(self.cluster_variables)
# Initialize messages from this cluster to its respective intersection sets
# \lambda_{c \rightarrow \s} = 0
self.message_from_cluster = {}
for intersection in self.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c:
# Present variable. It can be a node or an edge too. (that is ['A'] or ['A', 'C'] too)
present_variables = list(intersection)
# Present variables cardinality
present_variables_card = cluster_potential.get_cardinality(
present_variables_card = [
present_variables_card[var] for var in present_variables
# We need to create a new factor whose messages are blank
self.message_from_cluster[intersection] = DiscreteFactor(
def _update_message(self, sending_cluster):
This is the message-update method.
sending_cluster: The resulting messages are lambda_{c-->s} from the given
cluster 'c' to all of its intersection_sets 's'.
Here 's' are the elements of intersection_sets_for_cluster_c.
Fixing Max-Product: Convergent Message-Passing Algorithms for MAP LP Relaxations
by Amir Globerson and Tommi Jaakkola.
Section 6, Page: 5; Beyond pairwise potentials: Generalized MPLP
Later Modified by Sontag in "Introduction to Dual decomposition for Inference" Pg: 7 & 17
# The new updates will take place for the intersection_sets of this cluster.
# The new updates are:
# \delta_{f \rightarrow i}(x_i) = - \delta_i^{-f} +
# 1/{\| f \|} max_{x_{f-i}}\left[{\theta_f(x_f) + \sum_{i' in f}{\delta_{i'}^{-f}}(x_i')} \right ]
# Step. 1) Calculate {\theta_f(x_f) + \sum_{i' in f}{\delta_{i'}^{-f}}(x_i')}
objective_cluster = self.objective[sending_cluster.cluster_variables]
for current_intersect in sending_cluster.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c:
objective_cluster += self.objective[current_intersect]
updated_results = []
objective = []
for current_intersect in sending_cluster.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c:
# Step. 2) Maximize step.1 result wrt variables present in the cluster but not in the current intersect.
phi = objective_cluster.maximize(
list(sending_cluster.cluster_variables - current_intersect),
# Step. 3) Multiply 1/{\| f \|}
intersection_length = len(sending_cluster.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c)
phi *= 1 / intersection_length
# Step. 4) Subtract \delta_i^{-f}
# These are the messages not emanating from the sending cluster but going into the current intersect.
# which is = Objective[current_intersect_node] - messages from the cluster to the current intersect node.
+ -1
* (
+ -1 * sending_cluster.message_from_cluster[current_intersect]
# This loop is primarily for simultaneous updating:
# 1. This cluster's message to each of the intersects.
# 2. The value of the Objective for intersection_nodes.
index = -1
cluster_potential = copy.deepcopy(sending_cluster.cluster_potential)
for current_intersect in sending_cluster.intersection_sets_for_cluster_c:
index += 1
sending_cluster.message_from_cluster[current_intersect] = updated_results[
self.objective[current_intersect] = objective[index]
cluster_potential += (-1) * updated_results[index]
# Here we update the Objective for the current factor.
self.objective[sending_cluster.cluster_variables] = cluster_potential
def _local_decode(self):
Finds the index of the maximum values for all the single node dual objectives.
code presented by Sontag in 2012 here:
# The current assignment of the single node factors is stored in the form of a dictionary
decoded_result_assignment = {
node: np.argmax(self.objective[node].values)
for node in self.objective
if len(node) == 1
# Use the original cluster_potentials of each factor to find the primal integral value.
# 1. For single node factors
integer_value = sum(
for variable in self.variables
# 2. For clusters
for cluster_key in self.cluster_set:
cluster = self.cluster_set[cluster_key]
index = [
tuple([variable, decoded_result_assignment[frozenset([variable])]])
for variable in cluster.cluster_variables
integer_value += cluster.cluster_potential.reduce(
index, inplace=False
# Check if this is the best assignment till now
if self.best_int_objective < integer_value:
self.best_int_objective = integer_value
self.best_assignment = decoded_result_assignment
def _is_converged(self, dual_threshold=None, integrality_gap_threshold=None):
This method checks the integrality gap to ensure either:
* we have found a near to exact solution or
* stuck on a local minima.
dual_threshold: double
This sets the minimum width between the dual objective decrements. If the decrement is lesser
than the threshold, then that means we have stuck on a local minima.
integrality_gap_threshold: double
This sets the threshold for the integrality gap below which we say that the solution
is satisfactory.
code presented by Sontag in 2012 here:
# Find the new objective after the message updates
new_dual_lp = sum(
[np.amax(self.objective[obj].values) for obj in self.objective]
# Update the dual_gap as the difference between the dual objective of the previous and the current iteration.
self.dual_gap = abs(self.dual_lp - new_dual_lp)
# Update the integrality_gap as the difference between our best result vs the dual objective of the lp.
self.integrality_gap = abs(self.dual_lp - self.best_int_objective)
# As the decrement of the dual_lp gets very low, we assume that we might have stuck in a local minima.
if dual_threshold and self.dual_gap < dual_threshold:
return True
# Check the threshold for the integrality gap
elif (
and self.integrality_gap < integrality_gap_threshold
return True
self.dual_lp = new_dual_lp
return False
def find_triangles(self):
Finds all the triangles present in the given model
>>> from pgmpy.models import MarkovNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
>>> from pgmpy.inference import Mplp
>>> mm = MarkovNetwork()
>>> mm.add_nodes_from(['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7'])
>>> mm.add_edges_from([('x1', 'x3'), ('x1', 'x4'), ('x2', 'x4'),
... ('x2', 'x5'), ('x3', 'x6'), ('x4', 'x6'),
... ('x4', 'x7'), ('x5', 'x7')])
>>> phi = [DiscreteFactor(edge, [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) for edge in mm.edges()]
>>> mm.add_factors(*phi)
>>> mplp = Mplp(mm)
>>> mplp.find_triangles()
return list(filter(lambda x: len(x) == 3, nx.find_cliques(self.model)))
def _update_triangles(self, triangles_list):
From a set of variables forming a triangle in the model, we form the corresponding Clusters.
These clusters are then appended to the code.
triangle_list : list
The list of variables forming the triangles to be updated. It is of the form of
[['var_5', 'var_8', 'var_7'], ['var_4', 'var_5', 'var_7']]
new_intersection_set = []
for triangle_vars in triangles_list:
cardinalities = [self.cardinality[variable] for variable in triangle_vars]
current_intersection_set = [
frozenset(intersect) for intersect in it.combinations(triangle_vars, 2)
current_factor = DiscreteFactor(
triangle_vars, cardinalities, np.zeros(
self.cluster_set[frozenset(triangle_vars)] = self.Cluster(
current_intersection_set, current_factor
# add new factors
# add new intersection sets
# add new factors in objective
self.objective[frozenset(triangle_vars)] = current_factor
def _get_triplet_scores(self, triangles_list):
Returns the score of each of the triplets found in the current model
triangles_list: list
The list of variables forming the triangles to be updated. It is of the form of
[['var_5', 'var_8', 'var_7'], ['var_4', 'var_5', 'var_7']]
Return: {frozenset({'var_8', 'var_5', 'var_7'}): 5.024, frozenset({'var_5', 'var_4', 'var_7'}): 10.23}
triplet_scores = {}
for triplet in triangles_list:
# Find the intersection sets of the current triplet
triplet_intersections = [
intersect for intersect in it.combinations(triplet, 2)
# Independent maximization
ind_max = sum(
for intersect in triplet_intersections
# Joint maximization
joint_max = self.objective[frozenset(triplet_intersections[0])]
for intersect in triplet_intersections[1:]:
joint_max += self.objective[frozenset(intersect)]
joint_max = np.amax(joint_max.values)
# score = Independent maximization solution - Joint maximization solution
score = ind_max - joint_max
triplet_scores[frozenset(triplet)] = score
return triplet_scores
def _run_mplp(self, no_iterations):
Updates messages until either Mplp converges or if it doesn't converge; halts after no_iterations.
no_iterations: integer
Number of maximum iterations that we want MPLP to run.
for niter in range(no_iterations):
# We take the clusters in the order they were added in the model and update messages for all factors whose
# scope is greater than 1
for factor in self.model.get_factors():
if len(factor.scope()) > 1:
# Find an integral solution by locally maximizing the single node beliefs
# If mplp converges to a global/local optima, we break.
if (
self._is_converged(self.dual_threshold, self.integrality_gap_threshold)
and niter >= 16
def _tighten_triplet(self, max_iterations, later_iter, max_triplets, prolong):
This method finds all the triplets that are eligible and adds them iteratively in the bunch of max_triplets
max_iterations: integer
Maximum number of times we tighten the relaxation
later_iter: integer
Number of maximum iterations that we want MPLP to run. This is lesser than the initial number
of iterations.
max_triplets: integer
Maximum number of triplets that can be added at most in one iteration.
prolong: bool
It sets the continuation of tightening after all the triplets are exhausted
# Find all the triplets that are possible in the present model
triangles = self.find_triangles()
# Evaluate scores for each of the triplets found above
triplet_scores = self._get_triplet_scores(triangles)
# Arrange the keys on the basis of increasing order of the values of the dict. triplet_scores
sorted_scores = sorted(triplet_scores, key=triplet_scores.get)
for niter in range(max_iterations):
if self._is_converged(
# add triplets that are yet not added.
add_triplets = []
for triplet_number in range(len(sorted_scores)):
# At once, we can add at most 5 triplets
if triplet_number >= max_triplets:
# Break from the tighten triplets loop if there are no triplets to add if the prolong is set to False
if not add_triplets and prolong is False:
# Update the eligible triplets to tighten the relaxation
# Run MPLP for a maximum of later_iter times.
def get_integrality_gap(self):
Returns the integrality gap of the current state of the Mplp algorithm. The lesser it is, the closer we are
towards the exact solution.
>>> from pgmpy.models import MarkovNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
>>> from pgmpy.inference import Mplp
>>> mm = MarkovNetwork()
>>> mm.add_nodes_from(['x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7'])
>>> mm.add_edges_from([('x1', 'x3'), ('x1', 'x4'), ('x2', 'x4'),
... ('x2', 'x5'), ('x3', 'x6'), ('x4', 'x6'),
... ('x4', 'x7'), ('x5', 'x7')])
>>> phi = [DiscreteFactor(edge, [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) for edge in mm.edges()]
>>> mm.add_factors(*phi)
>>> mplp = Mplp(mm)
>>> mplp.map_query()
>>> int_gap = mplp.get_integrality_gap()
return self.integrality_gap
def query(self):
raise NotImplementedError("map_query() is the only query method available.")
def map_query(
MAP query method using Max Product LP method.
This returns the best assignment of the nodes in the form of a dictionary.
init_iter: integer
Number of maximum iterations that we want MPLP to run for the first time.
later_iter: integer
Number of maximum iterations that we want MPLP to run for later iterations
dual_threshold: double
This sets the minimum width between the dual objective decrements. If the decrement is lesser
than the threshold, then that means we have stuck on a local minima.
integrality_gap_threshold: double
This sets the threshold for the integrality gap below which we say that the solution
is satisfactory.
tighten_triplet: bool
set whether to use triplets as clusters or not.
max_triplets: integer
Set the maximum number of triplets that can be added at once.
max_iterations: integer
Maximum number of times we tighten the relaxation. Used only when tighten_triplet is set True.
prolong: bool
If set False: The moment we exhaust of all the triplets the tightening stops.
If set True: The tightening will be performed max_iterations number of times irrespective of the triplets.
Section 3.3: The Dual Algorithm; Tightening LP Relaxation for MAP using Message Passing (2008)
By Sontag Et al.
>>> from pgmpy.models import MarkovNetwork
>>> from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor
>>> from pgmpy.inference import Mplp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> student = MarkovNetwork()
>>> student.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('E', 'F')])
>>> factor_a = DiscreteFactor(['A'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.54577, 1.8323]))
>>> factor_b = DiscreteFactor(['B'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.93894, 1.065]))
>>> factor_c = DiscreteFactor(['C'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.89205, 1.121]))
>>> factor_d = DiscreteFactor(['D'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.56292, 1.7765]))
>>> factor_e = DiscreteFactor(['E'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([0.47117, 2.1224]))
>>> factor_f = DiscreteFactor(['F'], cardinality=[2], values=np.array([1.5093, 0.66257]))
>>> factor_a_b = DiscreteFactor(['A', 'B'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([1.3207, 0.75717, 0.75717, 1.3207]))
>>> factor_b_c = DiscreteFactor(['B', 'C'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([0.00024189, 4134.2, 4134.2, 0.0002418]))
>>> factor_c_d = DiscreteFactor(['C', 'D'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([0.0043227, 231.34, 231.34, 0.0043227]))
>>> factor_d_e = DiscreteFactor(['E', 'F'], cardinality=[2, 2],
... values=np.array([31.228, 0.032023, 0.032023, 31.228]))
>>> student.add_factors(factor_a, factor_b, factor_c, factor_d, factor_e, factor_f,
... factor_a_b, factor_b_c, factor_c_d, factor_d_e)
>>> mplp = Mplp(student)
>>> result = mplp.map_query()
>>> result
{'B': 0.93894, 'C': 1.121, 'A': 1.8323, 'F': 1.5093, 'D': 1.7765, 'E': 2.12239}
self.dual_threshold = dual_threshold
self.integrality_gap_threshold = integrality_gap_threshold
# Run MPLP initially for a maximum of init_iter times.
# If triplets are to be used for the tightening, we proceed as follows
if tighten_triplet:
self._tighten_triplet(max_iterations, later_iter, max_triplets, prolong)
return {list(key)[0]: val for key, val in self.best_assignment.items()}