Source code for pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork

import itertools
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

from pgmpy.factors.discrete import TabularCPD
from pgmpy.models import BayesianNetwork

[docs] class XBNReader(object): """ Initializer for XBNReader class. Parameters ---------- path: str or file Path of the file containing XBN data. string: str String of XBN data Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('test_XBN.xml') Reference --------- [1] Microsoft Research. XML belief network file format., 1999. """ def __init__(self, path=None, string=None): if path: = etree.parse(path).getroot() elif string: = etree.fromstring(string) else: raise ValueError("Must specify either path or string") self.bnmodel ="BNMODEL") self.analysisnotebook = self.get_analysisnotebook_values() self.model_name = self.get_bnmodel_name() self.static_properties = self.get_static_properties() self.variables = self.get_variables() self.edges = self.get_edges() self.variable_CPD = self.get_distributions()
[docs] def get_analysisnotebook_values(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the attributes of ANALYSISNOTEBOOK tag Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_analysisnotebook_values() {'NAME': "Notebook.Cancer Example From Neapolitan", 'ROOT': "Cancer"} """ return {key: value for key, value in}
[docs] def get_bnmodel_name(self): """ Returns the name of the BNMODEL. Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_bnmodel_name() 'Cancer' """ return"BNMODEL").get("NAME")
[docs] def get_static_properties(self): """ Returns a dictionary of STATICPROPERTIES Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_static_properties() {'FORMAT': 'MSR DTAS XML', 'VERSION': '0.2', 'CREATOR': 'Microsoft Research DTAS'} """ if self.bnmodel.find("STATICPROPERTIES") is not None: return { tags.tag: tags.get("VALUE") for tags in self.bnmodel.find("STATICPROPERTIES") } else: return {}
[docs] def get_variables(self): """ Returns a list of variables. Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_variables() {'a': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'XPOS': '13495', 'YPOS': '10465', 'DESCRIPTION': '(a) Metastatic Cancer', 'STATES': ['Present', 'Absent']} 'b': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'XPOS': '11290', 'YPOS': '11965', 'DESCRIPTION': '(b) Serum Calcium Increase', 'STATES': ['Present', 'Absent']}, 'c': {....}, 'd': {....}, 'e': {....} } """ variables = {} for variable in self.bnmodel.find("VARIABLES"): variables[variable.get("NAME")] = { "TYPE": variable.get("TYPE"), "XPOS": variable.get("XPOS"), "YPOS": variable.get("YPOS"), "DESCRIPTION": variable.find("DESCRIPTION").text, "STATES": [state.text for state in variable.findall("STATENAME")], } return variables
[docs] def get_edges(self): """ Returns a list of tuples. Each tuple contains two elements (parent, child) for each edge. Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_edges() [('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')] """ return [ (arc.get("PARENT"), arc.get("CHILD")) for arc in self.bnmodel.find("STRUCTURE") ]
[docs] def get_distributions(self): """ Returns a dictionary of name and its distribution. Distribution is a ndarray. The ndarray is stored in the standard way such that the rightmost variable changes most often. Consider a CPD of variable 'd' which has parents 'b' and 'c' (distribution['CONDSET'] = ['b', 'c']) | d_0 d_1 --------------------------- b_0, c_0 | 0.8 0.2 b_0, c_1 | 0.9 0.1 b_1, c_0 | 0.7 0.3 b_1, c_1 | 0.05 0.95 The value of distribution['d']['DPIS'] for the above example will be: array([[ 0.8 , 0.2 ], [ 0.9 , 0.1 ], [ 0.7 , 0.3 ], [ 0.05, 0.95]]) Examples -------- >>> reader = XBNReader('xbn_test.xml') >>> reader.get_distributions() {'a': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.2, 0.8]])}, 'e': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8, 0.2], [ 0.6, 0.4]]), 'CONDSET': ['c'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]}, 'b': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8, 0.2], [ 0.2, 0.8]]), 'CONDSET': ['a'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]}, 'c': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.2 , 0.8 ], [ 0.05, 0.95]]), 'CONDSET': ['a'], 'CARDINALITY': [2]}, 'd': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'DPIS': array([[ 0.8 , 0.2 ], [ 0.9 , 0.1 ], [ 0.7 , 0.3 ], [ 0.05, 0.95]]), 'CONDSET': ['b', 'c']}, 'CARDINALITY': [2, 2]} """ distribution = {} for dist in self.bnmodel.find("DISTRIBUTIONS"): variable_name = dist.find("PRIVATE").get("NAME") distribution[variable_name] = {"TYPE": dist.get("TYPE")} if dist.find("CONDSET") is not None: distribution[variable_name]["CONDSET"] = [ var.get("NAME") for var in dist.find("CONDSET").findall("CONDELEM") ] distribution[variable_name]["CARDINALITY"] = np.array( [ len( set( np.array( [ list(map(int, dpi.get("INDEXES").split())) for dpi in dist.find("DPIS") ] )[:, i] ) ) for i in range(len(distribution[variable_name]["CONDSET"])) ] ) distribution[variable_name]["DPIS"] = np.array( [list(map(float, dpi.text.split())) for dpi in dist.find("DPIS")] ).transpose() return distribution
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Returns an instance of Bayesian Model. """ model = BayesianNetwork() model.add_nodes_from(self.variables) model.add_edges_from(self.edges) = self.model_name tabular_cpds = [] for var, values in self.variable_CPD.items(): evidence = values["CONDSET"] if "CONDSET" in values else [] cpd = values["DPIS"] evidence_card = values["CARDINALITY"] if "CARDINALITY" in values else [] states = self.variables[var]["STATES"] cpd = TabularCPD( var, len(states), cpd, evidence=evidence, evidence_card=evidence_card ) tabular_cpds.append(cpd) model.add_cpds(*tabular_cpds) for var, properties in self.variables.items(): model._node[var] = properties return model
[docs] class XBNWriter(object): """ Initializer for XBNWriter class Parameters ---------- model: BayesianNetwork Instance Model to write encoding: str(optional) Encoding for test data prettyprint: Bool(optional) Indentation in output XML if true Reference --------- Examples -------- >>> writer = XBNWriter(model) """ def __init__(self, model, encoding="utf-8", prettyprint=True): if not isinstance(model, BayesianNetwork): raise TypeError("Model must be an instance of Bayesian Model.") self.model = model self.encoding = encoding self.prettyprint = prettyprint = etree.Element("ANALYSISNOTEBOOK") self.bnmodel = etree.SubElement(, "BNMODEL") if etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, "NAME").text = self.variables = self.set_variables(self.model.nodes) self.structure = self.set_edges(sorted(self.model.edges())) self.distribution = self.set_distributions() def __str__(self): """ Return the XML as string. """ if self.prettyprint: self.indent( return etree.tostring(, encoding=self.encoding)
[docs] def indent(self, elem, level=0): """ Inplace prettyprint formatter. """ i = "\n" + level * " " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: self.indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i
[docs] def set_analysisnotebook(self, **data): """ Set attributes for ANALYSISNOTEBOOK tag Parameters ---------- **data: dict {name: value} for the attributes to be set. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer = XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_analysisnotebook(NAME="Notebook.Cancer Example From Neapolitan", ... ROOT='Cancer') """ for key, value in data.items():, str(value))
[docs] def set_bnmodel_name(self, name): """ Set the name of the BNMODEL. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the BNModel. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer = XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_bnmodel_name("Cancer") """ self.bnmodel.set("NAME", str(name))
[docs] def set_static_properties(self, **data): """ Set STATICPROPERTIES tag for the network Parameters ---------- **data: dict {name: value} for name and value of the property. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer = XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_static_properties(FORMAT="MSR DTAS XML", VERSION="0.2", CREATOR="Microsoft Research DTAS") """ static_prop = etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, "STATICPROPERTIES") for key, value in data.items(): etree.SubElement(static_prop, key, attrib={"VALUE": value})
[docs] def set_variables(self, data): """ Set variables for the network. Parameters ---------- data: dict dict for variable in the form of example as shown. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer = XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_variables({'a': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'XPOS': '13495', ... 'YPOS': '10465', 'DESCRIPTION': '(a) Metastatic Cancer', ... 'STATES': ['Present', 'Absent']}, ... 'b': {'TYPE': 'discrete', 'XPOS': '11290', ... 'YPOS': '11965', 'DESCRIPTION': '(b) Serum Calcium Increase', ... 'STATES': ['Present', 'Absent']}}) """ variables = etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, "VARIABLES") for var in sorted(data): variable = etree.SubElement( variables, "VAR", attrib={ "NAME": var, "TYPE": data[var].get("TYPE", ""), "XPOS": data[var].get("XPOS", ""), "YPOS": data[var].get("YPOS", ""), }, ) etree.SubElement( variable, "DESCRIPTION", attrib={"DESCRIPTION": data[var].get("DESCRIPTION", "")}, ) for state in self.model.states[var]: etree.SubElement(variable, "STATENAME").text = state
[docs] def set_edges(self, edge_list): """ Set edges/arc in the network. Parameters ---------- edge_list: array_like list, tuple, dict or set whose each element has two values (parent, child). Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer = XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_edges([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')]) """ structure = etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, "STRUCTURE") for edge in edge_list: etree.SubElement( structure, "ARC", attrib={"PARENT": edge[0], "CHILD": edge[1]} )
[docs] def set_distributions(self): """ Set distributions in the network. Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.readwrite.XMLBeliefNetwork import XBNWriter >>> writer =XBNWriter() >>> writer.set_distributions() """ distributions = etree.SubElement(self.bnmodel, "DISTRIBUTIONS") cpds = self.model.get_cpds() cpds.sort(key=lambda x: x.variable) for cpd in cpds: cpd_values = cpd.get_values().transpose() var = cpd.variable dist = etree.SubElement( distributions, "DIST", attrib={"TYPE": self.model.nodes[var].get("TYPE", "")}, ) etree.SubElement(dist, "PRIVATE", attrib={"NAME": var}) dpis = etree.SubElement(dist, "DPIS") evidence = cpd.variables[1:] evidence_card = cpd.cardinality[1:] if evidence: condset = etree.SubElement(dist, "CONDSET") for condelem in evidence: etree.SubElement(condset, "CONDELEM", attrib={"NAME": condelem}) indexes_iter = itertools.product( *[range(card) for card in evidence_card] ) for val in range(cpd_values.shape[0]): index_value = " " + " ".join(map(str, next(indexes_iter))) + " " etree.SubElement( dpis, "DPI", attrib={"INDEXES": index_value} ).text = (" " + " ".join(map(str, cpd_values[val])) + " ") else: etree.SubElement(dpis, "DPI").text = ( " " + " ".join(map(str, cpd_values[0])) + " " )
[docs] def write_xbn(self, filename): """ Writes the BIF data into a file Parameters ---------- filename : Name of the file Example ------- >>> from pgmpy.utils import get_example_model >>> from pgmpy.readwrite import XBNReader, XBNWriter >>> asia = get_example_model('asia') >>> writer = XBNWriter(asia) >>> writer.write_xbn(filename='asia.xbn') """ writer = self.__str__() with open(filename, "wb") as fout: fout.write(writer)